Celebrate Hilversum's 600th birthday - 600 jaar Hilversum
Celebrate Hilversum's 600th birthday

Dear Hilversum resident,
On 4 March 2024, we will celebrate Hilversum's 600th birthday, first and foremost a celebration for and by all our residents.
Therefore, I cordially invite you to our anniversary weekend from 2 to 4 March, starting with 'The Night of Hilversum' and 'Hilversum Bakes'. It will be a vibrant, festive weekend full of activities for all ages, with a focus on socialising and connecting.
On Saturday 2 March, 'The Night of Hilversum' kicks off with the opening of the special exhibition 'Sheep, Steam Tram and Painting: the history of Hilversum in (six) hundred objects' at 7 pm in the Gooische Brink. The exhibition is free of charge. You can also view 600 items from the Hilversum collection online at collectiehilversum.nl. On the same day, the film 'Hilversum in black and white' will premiere at the Filmtheater, and the 'Waylon & Friends' concert will be held at Studio 21. Several museums and catering establishments have something special in store that evening and night.
Banketbakkerij Burgt and Matthijs Boon created the '600th anniversay cake' along with television presenter Jill. The recipe and baking video are available to all on 600yearhilversum.nl. Birthday parties will be held throughout Hilversum on Sunday 3 March starting at 11 am. You are welcome to bake a cake, have a party or just join in the socialising. The list of parties with free access and times can be found on the website.
And if your birthday also falls on 4 March, we invite you to join us for cake a special birthday party at the town hall. Sign up via info@600jaarhilversum.nl.
The current programme can be found at 600yearhilversum.nl. For questions please email info@600jaarhilversum.nl.
I look forward to this historic weekend and realise that only together can we make it a true year of celebration. A weekend where we not only enjoy each other’s company but, more importantly, also take a step towards strengthening our community bond. Let’s celebrate our city’s birthday together!
Looking forward to seeing you on the anniversary weekend!
On behalf of the mayor’s office and aldermen, Stichting Hilversum Marketing and Hilversummers.nl,
Gerhard van den Top